Protein Powder in Coffee: Good Idea or Just a Trend?

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Adding protein powder to coffee has become a popular trend among fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals. But is this combination truly beneficial, or is it just another passing fad? 

This article explores why people add protein to their coffee, the potential benefits, how to make it, and the types of protein that work well with coffee. We’ll also cover the possible downsides and offer tips on how to make protein coffee taste good.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a licensed healthcare provider for health advice tailored to your needs. Protein powders should not replace real food in your diet. While a balanced diet is the best way to meet your nutritional needs, some individuals may find it challenging to consume adequate protein through food alone. In such cases, protein powder can be a useful tool to support your dietary regimen.

Why Do People Add Protein to Their Coffee?

Many people add protein powder to their coffee for various reasons, such as to enhance their morning routine, increase protein intake, or support their fitness goals. This combination offers a convenient way to consume protein while enjoying the boost of caffeine from coffee.

Potential Benefits

Man carrying a drumbell

Improve Your Morning Workout

Adding protein to your coffee can provide sustained energy and help support muscle recovery, making it an ideal pre-workout drink.

Add More Protein to Your Breakfast

Incorporating protein powder into your coffee alongside a nutritious breakfast can increase the protein content of your meal, especially if you have a busy morning and need a quick option. Protein coffee should not replace your breakfast, but it can be a helpful tool to increase your protein intake if you are struggling to meet your protein needs through food alone.

Supports Muscle Growth

Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, making it beneficial for those who exercise regularly and want to build muscle mass.

Enhances Satiety

Protein can help you feel fuller for longer, potentially aiding in weight management.

Boosts Metabolism

Protein has a higher thermic effect compared to fats and carbohydrates, meaning your body burns more calories digesting it.

What Types of Proteins Work Well With Coffee?

Not all protein powders are created equal, and some mix better with coffee than others. Here are a few options:

  • Whey Protein: This is the best protein powder if you are looking to build lean muscle mass. However it does not mix well with hot and cold coffee, so it’s advised to mix the protein powder first with a small amount of hot water.
  • Collagen Protein: This option dissolves well in both hot and cold liquids and may add extra benefits for skin, hair, and joint health.
  • Plant-Based Proteins: Pea and soy proteins can work well but may alter the taste and texture more than whey or collagen protein powder. If you are unsure which pea protein powder to go for, we have an article that talks about the best pea protein powders.

What Does Protein Coffee Taste Like?

It tastes like regular coffee with some additional flavor in it. The flavor you go for depends on your preferences, but I recommend vanilla or chocolate protein powder!

A women lifting barbell in the gym

How to Make Protein Coffee

  • Use a Pre-Mixed Protein Shake: Pour a ready-to-drink protein shake into your coffee.
  • Add Protein Powder Directly to Coffee: Simply stir or blend a scoop of protein powder into your hot or iced coffee.
  • Mix Protein Powder With Another Liquid First: Combine the protein powder with a small amount of water or milk before adding it to your coffee to prevent clumping.
  • Use a Specialty Protein Coffee Creamer: These creamers are designed to blend seamlessly with coffee.

Protein powders can change the taste and texture of your coffee. Experiment with different types and flavors to find one that complements your coffee without overpowering it.

Potential Downsides of Protein Coffee

  • Altered Taste: Some protein powders may have a strong flavor that doesn’t pair well with coffee. 
  • Texture Issues: Not all protein powders dissolve well, which can lead to a gritty texture.
  • Digestive Discomfort: Some individuals may experience bloating or other digestive issues when consuming protein powder, especially if they are lactose intolerant or sensitive to certain ingredients.

Can Protein Coffee Replace Breakfast?

While protein coffee can be a convenient option, it shouldn’t replace a balanced breakfast. It’s best used as a supplement to help meet your protein needs.

How to Make Protein and Coffee Taste Good

  1. Choose the Right Protein Powder: Look for a protein powder that complements the flavor of your coffee. Whey protein powder, collagen protein powder, or pea and soy protein powder are good options.
  2. Experiment With Flavors: Try different flavors like vanilla, chocolate, or caramel to enhance the taste.
  3. Blend Well: Use a blender or a shaker bottle to ensure the protein powder mixes smoothly with your coffee.

Does Heat Break Down Protein?

Heat does not destroy protein powder, but it can cause denaturation, changing its structure without reducing its nutritional value. Heat can unfold protein molecules, affecting their physical properties, but the amino acids remain intact and usable by the body. The essential amino acids in protein powder are not destroyed by heat, so the nutritional benefits remain. However, heat may affect the texture and solubility of protein powder. For example, whey protein can clump in hot liquids. Mixing it with a small amount of room temperature or cold liquid first can prevent this.

Tips: Use collagen protein for better solubility in hot liquids and store protein powder in a cool, dry place.

How Much Protein Should I Add to My Coffee?

The amount of protein you should add to your coffee depends on your dietary needs and preferences, but a common recommendation is:

  • One Scoop: Typically, one scoop of protein powder (about 20-30 grams) is sufficient for most people. This amount can provide a good protein boost without overwhelming the flavor of your coffee.

For specific guidelines:

  1. Check the Label: Follow the serving size suggested on the protein powder packaging.
  2. Adjust to Taste: Start with a smaller amount and increase if you prefer a stronger protein flavor or need more protein.
  3. Daily Intake: Consider your overall daily protein needs based on your diet and activity level. Discuss with a registered dietitian for a personalized plan.

The Bottom Line

Adding protein powder to your coffee can offer various benefits, from boosting your morning workout to increasing your protein intake. However, it’s essential to choose the right protein powder and mix it properly to enjoy a tasty and nutritious protein coffee. As with any supplement, consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it aligns with your dietary needs and health goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you put protein powder in your coffee?

Yes, you can put protein powder in your coffee. Many people do this to increase their protein intake, particularly in the morning. It can be added to both hot and cold coffee.

Does protein powder break down in hot coffee?

Protein powder does not break down in hot coffee in a way that would diminish its nutritional value. However, high temperatures can cause some protein powders, especially those based on whey, to clump or change texture. Mixing the protein powder with a small amount of room temperature or cool liquid before adding it to hot coffee can help prevent clumping.

Can I add protein powder to cold coffee?

Yes, you can add protein powder to cold coffee. In fact, this method often results in a smoother texture since you can use a shaker or blender to mix the protein powder more effectively. Cold coffee mixed with protein powder can make for a refreshing and nutritious beverage, especially in warmer weather.


Joanna Tsintaris | Registered Dietitian | MS Nutrition & Dietetics

Joanna Tsintaris | Registered Dietitian | MS Nutrition & Dietetics

Joanna is a registered Dietitian in the UK and Biomedical Science graduate with first class MSc in Nutrition and Dietetics. She is also the founder of Nourish (RD)—an online health and nutrition clinic offering personalized 1:1 dietetic advice.

Learn More About Joanna

More posts from Joanna Tsintaris | Registered Dietitian | MS Nutrition & Dietetics


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