Man confidently lifts EZ Bar at the gym

How To Deadlift With EZ Bar—The Pros & Cons Explained

The gym is packed, and all the barbells are taken. You have limited choices on equipment, but you need to get in deadlifts for your workout session of the day—that’s where EZ bar deadlifts come in to save the day! Though straight bar deadlifting is the most common variation, there are different types of deadlifts […]

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Strong man lifting a heavy barbell

Deadlift Bar Jack—What is It, How to Use It, & Our Top Recommendations

A deadlift jack, also known as a barbell jack, is a nifty piece of gym equipment that can be extremely helpful in conserving energy and saving time for lifters.  Racking and unracking weights off barbells, then lifting the barbell to slide off the weight plates is taxing and can drain the energy needed for lifting. […]

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A photo of a stiff bar with deadlift bar vs stiff bar text.

Deadlift Bar vs Stiff Bar – What’s The Difference? 

Whether you’re new to the fitness world or want to know more about the differences between the deadlift bar and stiff bar, it’s essential to understand the functionality of the gym equipment you’re using as it can affect technique, weight loads lifted, and progress!  Stiff bars, also called power bars, are widely used in powerlifting […]

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A man demonstrating the top position of a deadlift. He has lifted the barbell to his hips, keeping his back straight and his head up.

12 Trap Bar Deadlift Alternatives To Add To Your Workout Routine

Finding a trap bar deadlift alternative for your workout routine can feel overwhelming with the number of exercises out there competing for first place. However, not all exercises are created equal.  To replace hex bar deadlifts, the alternative must incorporate the same muscle groups. In this case, the trap bar deadlift engages the posterior chain […]

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A man and woman demonstrating the different techniques for the trap bar and conventional deadlifts.

The Differences Between Trap Bar Deadlifts vs Conventional Deadlifts

It’s time we talked about this—we’re here to finalize the trap bar deadlift vs conventional barbell deadlift debate, once and for all! There’s much talk about which is better in the fitness world, the conventional deadlift or the trap bar deadlift. In general, both are fantastic compound exercises that activate many muscle groups. Knowing this, […]

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A side-by-side comparison of a man and woman doing trap bar and squat exercises.

Breaking Down Trap Bar Deadlift vs Squats: Differences, Pros, and Cons

Comparing the trap bar deadlift vs squat, there are many differences between these lower body exercises to be aware of in the gym.  Whether it be form or technique, the trap bar deadlift and the barbell back squat are very different. Even so, these two lower body exercises are a staple in many fitness enthusiasts’ […]

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Proper Trap Bar Deadlift Form

What Is Proper Trap Bar Deadlift Form — Variations, Benefits, and Common Mistakes

Practicing good form is vital for any exercise, including the trap bar deadlift. And though trap bar deadlifts are similar to other types of deadlifts, like straight bar deadlifts, they have key differences in form that you should know in order to reap the benefits of this exercise.  The hexagonal, or hex for short, bar […]

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Trap Bar Deadlift

Is Trap Bar Deadlift Safer Than a Straight Bar Deadlift? 

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast, a crossfitter, your average Joe at the gym looking to lift heavier weight, or someone who plans on entering powerlifting competitions, the trap bar deadlift is an exercise you must add to your gym routine ASAP! The hexagonal bar, or hex bar, is a beneficial deadlift training tool for lifting […]

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Man doing trap bar deadlifts.

Trap Bar Deadlift Benefits & Muscles Worked

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast, a powerlifter, or someone merely wanting to lift heavier weight in the gym, trap bar deadlifts are the perfect addition to your gym routine! The hex bar, or hexagonal bar, is a specialty bar typically found in most commercial gyms or athletic training spaces. This piece of gym equipment is […]

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“I’ve trained with Mike since before EverFlex started up and he’s dedicated to making sure that your training is specific to your fitness levels and needs. He gives diet and lifestyle suggestions that are easy to integrate into your daily routine and is incredibly knowledgeable and personable.”

Trevor Hunt

“Best trainers I have ever had the privilege to train with! I have been training with Mike for the past 7 years, after searching for a specialist that could help with active recovery of a sport related injury. Not only did Mike get me back to normal and active again, but he has helped to optimize my fitness and overall health. Work outs are always fun and challenging, tailored to the achievement of personal goals. Mike is knowledgable and passionate about his field, strives to be current with fitness trends and personal education, and genuinely cares about the well being of his clients. Thank you, Mike, for keeping me healthy, active and in a state to enjoy my many pursuits!”

Carrie Ferguson

“Since training with Mike at EverFlex for the past couple of years, my overall strength and fitness has improved dramatically.  I am now able to perform exercises I would never have attempted on my own and continue to see both physical and mental gains at the gym.

Mike is always willing to share his expert knowledge and answer any questions I come up with. His knowledge on nutrition is admirable and his dedication to helping people is commendable. Mike’s sessions are always fun, and he continues to mix up every training session, so it never gets boring.”

Lisa Atkins

“Overall Mike and his company EverFlex are awesome. Not only do they always have a positive and encouraging attitude, but are able to personalize the sessions to fit my needs. They are always able to provide in depth explanations of each of the exercises, and a back story on their importance! Mike definitely makes the gym a better and less intimidating place!”

Taylor Brown

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