Can You Take Creatine on Keto?

Nutrient-packed creatine snack sliced on cutter

Creatine supplements exist without ingredients, like carbohydrates, that would otherwise impact the state of ketosis. This supplement is one of the most popular tools used in the health and fitness world to promote numerous benefits, from improved cognitive function to increased lean muscle mass. It is a keto-friendly dietary supplement that should not be overlooked! 

Quick Takeaway:

  • The keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet used to activate ketosis and burn fat.
  • Creatine is a natural substance incorporated in supplements. It is naturally keto-friendly; though most supplements are also keto-friendly, some are not. 
  • Creatine supplementation can provide significant benefits for individuals on the keto diet to help boost performance, build muscle mass, promote cognitive function, and support overall health. 
  • While many people claim that taking creatine with carbs is a necessity, it is not necessary for those looking to receive the benefits of this natural supplement. 

What Is the Ketogenic Diet? 

A ketogenic diet, or keto diet, is a low-carb, high-fat diet most commonly used to promote benefits such as weight loss. This low-carb diet incorporates a lot of protein and fat to minimize carbohydrates, reduce calorie consumption, and induce ketosis. 

Ketosis is a metabolic state where the body is exempt from necessary carbohydrates to use as energy, so the body must then rely on fat. During this process, the body burns fat to make ketones to utilize as fuel for energy. 

Individuals on the keto diet must restrict carbohydrates to a minimum, replacing them with protein and fat.

Creatine – What Is It & Is It Keto-Friendly?

Is taking creatine on keto acceptable? Is there creatine without carbs? These are all critical questions when seeking the best creatine for keto dieters. Learn more about what creatine is and whether it is keto-friendly below! 

What Is Creatine?

Creatine is a natural substance synthesized in the human body using amino acids. This compound stimulates the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an energy source that is then transferred to the muscle cells for fuel. 

One of the most common types of creatine used in supplements is creatine monohydrate, formed by binding a creatine molecule with a water molecule. Other forms used in supplements include creatine HCL and creatine phosphate. Creatine monohydrate is the most researched form of creatine, backed by extensive scientific evidence to promote health benefits such as improved athletic performance in sports and high-intensity workouts. 

Is It Keto-Friendly?

Taking creatine powder or other supplements is perfectly acceptable on a keto diet. While taking creatine, ketosis is not disrupted, so it is okay to take this natural supplement to promote desired health benefits while sticking to this diet plan. 

Most creatine supplements primarily stick to using one ingredient, creatine, so there should be no qualms about hidden carbohydrates that would disrupt ketosis. Flavored creatine supplements may not be acceptable depending on whether they use maltodextrin or dextrose, as these aren’t ideal for the keto lifestyle. Sticking to an unflavored creatine supplement will deter this hindering factor. 

The Benefits of Creatine Supplementation on the Keto Diet

Creatine boosts performance survey
Optimized keto with creatine supplementation insights
Source: Everflex Fitness 2024

Taking supplements for weight or fat loss is very common, with 39% of our randomly selected survey respondents stating they currently take supplements for this purpose, and 19% revealing they have in the past. 

Creatine is one of the most popularly used supplements in sports nutrition for its many extensively researched-backed benefits. Taking creatine on keto can provide these benefits without breaking ketosis to promote body fat reduction, cognitive function, and athletic performance. Find out more about the benefits of creatine supplementation on the keto diet below! 

Supports Lean Muscle Mass

One of the many health benefits of taking creatine is its support of skeletal muscle growth and ability to enhance lean body mass to promote a healthy body composition. 

Many individuals start the keto diet to lose body fat or weight. To properly support a healthy body recomposition, it’s vital to pair fat loss with resistance training to maintain lean muscle mass rather than lose it. The loss of lean body mass is connected to numerous adverse health risks, hence why the preservation of such is so heavily emphasized in health and fitness.

Taking creatine while on keto is a positive maneuver for supporting, maintaining, and increasing lean muscle mass

Promotes Brain Health

Creatine supplementation on the keto diet is also productive in supporting brain function

While dieting, mental fog and mood swings are not uncommon. But that doesn’t mean dieters want to suffer having to acclimate after days or weeks of dieting to feel normal again. That’s where creatine can be beneficial for keto dieters. 

Research shows that creatine has a positive impact on brain health. This natural compound aids cognitive function and enhances performance by reducing stress placed on the prefrontal cortex, which is correlated to focus and mood. With creatine supplementation, keto dieters can experience a reduction in mental fatigue and positive improvements in clarity and mood. 

Enhances Exercise Performance

Creatine, which is responsible for ATP production, has been linked to significant improvements in athletic performance.

Extensive research has been conducted on the correlation between creatine supplementation and exercise performance. Studies have revealed that consuming creatine promotes greater energy production, which enhancing muscle strength and power output during intense exercise. 

These qualities of creatine can support keto dieters who have found a lag in energy, especially at the beginning of their diet adjustment. Whether to support performance in exercise or sports, creatine supplementation can benefit individuals on the keto diet who want to remain energized, stay active, and perform well. 

Encourages Fat Loss

As one of the most popular reasons for starting the keto diet is to promote fat loss, creatine is a desirable supplement to consider to encourage more significant results in this endeavor. 

Studies on the effects of creatine supplementation paired with resistance training have revealed that it is successful in reducing body fat percentage. This quality is an added benefit for individuals on the keto diet for body recomposition and fat reduction efforts. 

Aids Recovery

Although creatine supplementation is not the best dietary supplement for post-workout recovery in reducing soreness, it is proactive in encouraging muscle recovery.

Creatine’s natural functions aid in increasing glycogen synthesis and replenishing glycogen stores, instigating muscle tissue repair and recovery. Another recovery-positive effect of creatine is its capacity to reduce oxidative stress and damage to the body, which helps promote faster healing and lower the risk of injury.  

Tips on How to Incorporate Creatine Into a Keto Diet

Notepad with 'Keto Diet' written prominently

While following a keto diet, there are some tips to consider to better incorporate creatine into your day-to-day routine to reap the benefits without breaking ketosis. Continue reading below to learn more about optimal timing and what to pair creatine with while on the keto diet! 

Optimal Timing

Currently, there are insufficient studies verifying whether the timing for creatine supplementation establishes more benefits. Of the limited studies on creatine timing, it was shown that taking creatine supplements before or after resistance training increases benefits in strength and lean tissue mass. 

For boosting performance, it is advised to take creatine pre-workout. The meta-analysis linked above revealed that post-exercise creatine ingestion is best for promoting muscle benefits compared to consuming creatine pre-workout. 

Pair With a Liquid

While following a ketogenic diet, watching what you consume is crucial to remaining in ketosis. Suppose you want to consume creatine to reap its benefits while remaining on a keto diet. In that case, we recommend taking a creatine pill with water or adding unflavored creatine powder to water, tea, or any keto-friendly liquid of choice. 

Taking a creatine pill may be more accommodating if your taste preferences don’t align with unflavored powders. 

How Much to Take

Pinpointing the appropriate dosage for your body weight is best achieved by consulting with a healthcare professional, who will also be suited to determine whether creatine consumption is safe for you.

Creatine monohydrate is typically taken in doses of 3-5g daily, while creatine HCL, which is more soluble, is dosed at 2-3g daily. This baseline dosage can alternate depending on activity level, body weight, and muscle mass. 

Keto-Friendly Foods High in Creatine

Though creatine is naturally synthesized in the human body, it can also be consumed through foods. Unfortunately, these foods are all animal proteins, such as chicken and beef, and cannot be consumed by vegetarians or vegans. 

For individuals on a keto diet, consuming these foods is no problem as animal proteins adhere to the low-carb diet plan.

Examples of creatine-rich keto-friendly foods:

  • Herring
  • Salmon
  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Cod 
  • Tuna 

Some individuals stick to the keto diet while not eating meat. In cases like this, we advise consuming amino-acid-rich foods that are also low-carb, like mushrooms, asparagus, and broccoli, which boost the production of creatine in the body. 

Final Thoughts on Creatine Supplements & the Keto Diet

Taking creatine on the keto diet is perfectly doable without affecting the state of ketosis. 

There are many different reasons why people join the keto diet, whether it be to promote a healthy lifestyle or deter the severity of symptoms in existing medical conditions. For active individuals, taking a creatine supplement before or after high-intensity exercise while on the keto diet can enhance athletic performance, maintain lean muscle mass, and promote muscle growth, all desirable qualities for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and individuals wanting to promote positive body recomposition results. 

These attributes can be obtained through creatine supplementation without breaking ketosis, so anyone on a keto diet can savor the benefits of this powerful keto-friendly supplement. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is creatine monohydrate keto-friendly?

Creatine monohydrate is keto-friendly. A majority of supplements only contain one ingredient – pure creatine monohydrate. There are no added sugars or hidden ingredients, like maltodextrin or dextrose, to break ketosis, making creatine monohydrate and other types of creatine, keto-friendly.

Does creatine work without carbs?

Yes, creatine works without pairing it with carbohydrates. Only a few studies have examined the impact of pairing creatine with carbs and proteins to promote more significant benefits. Of the few studies, one revealed an increase in insulin release and the effect of creatine retention when pairing creatine with carbs and proteins. 

Is it OK to take creatine while fasting?

It is okay to take creatine while fasting, as this natural substance does not break the fast. Creatine does not invoke an insulin response and contains no calories, so it is acceptable to take creatine while fasting. 

What not to mix creatine with? 

It is not recommended to mix creatine with caffeine, as it can decrease the energy production benefits of creatine. Taking creatine with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) is also not advised as it can impact kidney function.

Kaelyn Buzzo | ISSA CPT & Nutrition Coach

Kaelyn Buzzo | ISSA CPT & Nutrition Coach

I am an ISSA-certified CPT and Nutrition Coach with a BA in Creative Writing and a Minor in Nutrition.

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